The Relationship Cure: A 5 Step Guide to Strengthening Your Marriage, Family, and Friendships

Product Information

John Gottman’s “The Relationship Cure”

is widely recognized among experts and practitioners within the relationship advice and self-help communities. This program is nothing short of a comprehensive toolkit, specifically designed for couples who are striving to transform their troubled relationships into flourishing partnerships. It stands out in the realms of dating and relationship advice by focusing squarely on one fundamental aspect of human connection—the “emotional connection.”

From the very beginning, Gottman dissects the complexities of emotional bonding in a way that resonates with the Pickup Artist (PUA) community as well as the general audience seeking to enhance their intimate relationships. He goes beyond surface-level dating tips and presents a deep dive into the intrapersonal and interpersonal aspects of forming and maintaining healthy relationships.

The narrative of “The Relationship Cure” is steeped in research and clinical findings, making it a beacon for those dating coaches and relationship gurus who aim to provide scientifically grounded advice to their followers. Gottman’s work encapsulates a scholarly approach while remaining accessible to anyone interested in improving their romantic, familial, or professional relationships.

True to its title, the book covers an array of topics that serve as a dynamic framework for understanding the art of connection. The table of contents lays out a step-by-step guide starting with the understanding of how people connect emotionally, which is a cornerstone for PUA strategies and dating advice methodologies.

Gottman invites readers to engage deeply with their own ways of seeking connection through the examination of “Bids for Connection.” This concept is a cornerstone within the PUA community, which often underscores the importance of recognizing subtle cues and making appropriate emotional overtures.

As one progresses through “The Relationship Cure,” concepts such as “Bid Busters” are explored, helping individuals to avoid common pitfalls that derail emotional connections. Similarly, Gottman’s discussion of the brain’s emotional command systems provides a framework akin to techniques employed by PUAs for adjusting one’s approach to various situations and emotional landscapes.

The subsequent sections of the book encourage readers to explore their emotional heritage and understand how their past influences their current relationship dynamics. This introspection could be transformative for those in the dating scene, helping them to communicate more effectively and form more satisfying bonds.

The book continues with enhancing one’s emotional communication skills, a key skill that is tremendously valuable for PUAs and individuals looking to improve their dating life. Effective communication is essential for conveying one’s personality, intent, and establishing rapport—skills that are highly regarded in the dating community.

Gottman’s masterpiece culminates with the exploration of finding shared meaning, which is paramount in building long-lasting connections, whether in the spheres of romance or even within the context of a PUA’s interactions.

The approaches set forth in “The Relationship Cure” address various types of relationships, from marriages to friendships and even coworker dynamics. While the PUA community often concentrates on the initial stages of attraction, Gottman’s insights are invaluable in taking those initial connections to deeper levels of understanding and collaboration.

In conclusion, the pragmatic and heartfelt guidance offered in “The Relationship Cure” extends beyond the realm of the pickup artist community. They are universal in the fundamental pursuit of meaningful and rewarding relationships.

Skill Set: Relationship Skills
Experience Level: Beginner, Intermediate
Learning Format: Book
Coach or Expert: John M. Gottman
Release Date of the product: June 25, 2002

Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:


1. How We Connect Emotionally
2. Step One: Look at Your Bids for Connection
3. Six Bid Busters and How to Avoid Them
4. Step Two: Discover Your Brain’s Emotional Command Systems
5. Step Three: Examine Your Emotional Heritage
6. Step Four: Sharpen Your Emotional Communication Skills
7. Step Five: Find Shared Meaning
8. Apply What You’ve Leaned

– In Marriage
– In Parenthood
– In Friendship
– In Sibling Relationships
– In Coworker Relationship

9. In Conclusion
