The Art of Sensual Massage: 40th Anniversary Edition

Product Information

“The Art of Sensual Massage: 40th Anniversary Edition” beckons couples to venture into a transformative journey of touch, offering a refined and updated guide for those eager to explore the intimate dance of sensual massage. As the title suggests, this edition commemorates a significant milestone, embodying four decades of shared experiences, techniques, and the personal touches of many who have found deeper connections through the art of massage.

Within the pages of this tome, readers will uncover a treasure trove of illustrated techniques, presented in stunning visuals, accompanied by insightful text that guides the hands in awakening all the tactile joys of their partners’ form. The book is enriched with photographs that not only instruct but also celebrate the human body in its purest form, replete with two-page color plate spreads that elevate the learning experience to an art exhibit in its own right. These elements combine to not only educate but also to inspire, encapsulating the beauty of touch and the eloquence of giving and receiving pleasure through massage.

Gordon Inkeles, a distinguished authority in the field, graces this edition with a preface that not only sets the tone for the reader’s journey but also provides context to the evolution and staying power of his seminal work. The text has been meticulously updated to speak to modern sensibilities, ensuring its relevance and appeal to contemporary couples eager to cultivate their tactile bond. Inkeles ensures that the wisdom of the past forty years is distilled into a comprehensive guide that remains timeless.

As the reader delves into Part I, titled ‘Preparation’

, they are acquainted with the foundations necessary for a transcendental massage experience. It begins with introductory remarks that prepare the mind, followed by a thoughtful dissertation on the selection of oils and essences that appeal to more than just touch – but also to the scents that evoke emotion and memory. The chapter on preparation for massage encapsulates the ambiance and mood-setting that paves the way for a seamless transition into the realm of physical connection.

The heart of the book lies in Part II, ‘A Complete Body Massage’

, with chapters meticulously detailing the process of massaging different parts of the body – from the abdomen and chest to the delicate art of massaging the neck, head, arms, and down to the feet. Each chapter invites the reader to become knowledgeable and confident in addressing every curve and contour of the body, employing techniques that are sure to delight and intrigue. Inkeles provides step-by-step instructions that are easy to follow, ensuring that readers, regardless of their prior knowledge or experience, can engage with the content meaningfully.

Part III, ‘An Extended Massage’

, introduces advanced techniques such as percussion and special effects, furthering the repertoire of any aspiring massage aficionado. The contemplative nature of the instructions ensures that learners can both understand the utility of each movement and feel the poetry in the rhythms they create. The section on erotic massage illustrates how intimate touch can be a gateway to heightened sensuality and deeper connections between partners, catering to a crescendo in the personal symphony of affectionate exploration.

Throughout the book, “The Art of Sensual Massage” emphasizes the philosophy that touch is a language of its own – a form of communication that can express more than words. It’s a masterclass in non-verbal rapport, resonating with the pickup artist community in its understanding of physicality and building attraction without uttering a single syllable. Gentle strokes, firm pressure, and the heat of skin-on-skin meld into a symphony of sensations, making every massage a unique dialogue between lovers.

This edition not only provides practical advice on sensual massage but also contributes significantly to the pickup artist community’s understanding of kino escalation, a term familiar to PUAs that refers to the art of touching and escalating physical contact in a romantic context. “The Art of Sensual Massage” takes this concept into a deeper realm, emphasizing the buildup of trust and reciprocal pleasure in a more intimate setting.

The book is available in the form of a Kindle eBook and as a traditional physical book, catering to modern readers who appreciate the convenience of digital access as well as those who desire the tactile experience of flipping through physical pages. As with any art form, practice is paramount, and this book serves as a guide that can be returned to time and again, enriching every read with new layers of understanding and skill refinement.


The book is ideal for those looking to enhance their Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills, providing a rich educational experience.

Experience Level:

Whether you are a Beginner or someone with considerable experience, the comprehensive approach of this book ensures it is suited for all levels.

Learning Format:

Available as a Kindle eBook and as a traditional Book, the learning format is flexible and caters to your preferences.

Coach or Expert:

Authored by the highly respected expert Gordon Inkeles, who provides a rich, detailed, and personable approach to the subject.

Release Date:

The wisdom contained within these pages has been available to the public since September 01, 2011, marking a decade of enhancing relationships through the power of massage.

Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:

Part I: Preparation

Chapter 1: Introductory Remarks
Chapter 2: Oils and Essences
Chapter 3: Preparation for Massage

Part II. A Complete Body Massage

Chapter 4: The Abdomen and Chest

Chapter 5: The Neck and Head
Chapter 6: The Arms
Chapter 7: The Hands
Chapter 8: The Front of the Legs
Chapter 9: The Feet
Chapter 10: The Back of the Legs
Chapter 11: The Back

Part 3: An Extended Massage

Chapter 12: Percussion
Chapter 13: Special Effects
Chapter 14: Erotic Massage