SSU Mind Control

Product Information

Introduction to ‘SSU Mind Control’

.The ‘SSU Mind Control‘ is an intriguing product designed for men who aspire to transform themselves into the archetypal desirable man, a figure who captures the hearts and minds of women seemingly effortlessly. This product taps into a controversial yet fascinating concept of influencing the psychology of women through a method known as Sexual Sub Universes (SSU) technique. The technique aims to reprogram a woman’s perception, paving the way for profound attraction.

.Understanding Behavioral Patterns

.Using ‘SSU Mind Control‘, men will step into a realm where understanding the behavioral patterns of women becomes second nature. The technique provides insights which promise to unlock a deeper level of interaction, ensuring that your presence is not just noticed but intensely felt. This product claims to move beyond superficial interaction techniques and delves into psychological strategies that trigger emotional and physical attraction.

.Fostering Genuine Connections

.The Sexual Sub Universes technique is not just about quick fixes or manipulative tricks, but rather about fostering genuine connections. The product posits that when a man understands the key elements that make a woman tick, he can then use this knowledge to create a strong, lasting impact. The idea is that women will feel an intrinsic draw towards the man who employs these techniques, perceiving him as more than just an acquaintance or a fleeting interest.

.Testing Out Your Woman

.Moreover, the ‘SSU Mind Control‘ takes the challenge of ‘testing out your woman’ seriously. This section encourages men to explore the boundaries of their current relationships, pushing the envelope to ascertain the depth of a woman’s interest. This is an essential step for anyone looking to elevate their relationship from lukewarm to red hot, providing practical strategies to assess compatibility and interest.

Making Your ‘First Date’ Memorable

.The program also emphasizes the importance of making your ‘first date‘ memorable. In a world where first impressions can make or break potential relationships, ‘SSU Mind Control‘ endeavors to arm men with the knowledge and skills to ensure that the first date is unforgettable. This approach advocates for creating authentic and engaging experiences that resonate with women on a profound level.

.Making a Female Friend Addicted

.When it comes to making a female friend addicted, the product does not disappoint. It offers a radical departure from being the “nice guy” who often ends up in the friend zone. Instead, it guides men on how to subtly shift the dynamics of the relationship, nurturing an undercurrent of attraction that can gradually intensify into something much more potent.

.Transforming Relationships with Platonic Friends

.Another intriguing aspect of ‘SSU Mind Control‘ is its focus on transforming the relationship with a platonic friend. The product acknowledges the challenges many men face when they have strong feelings for a friend. It provides insights on making oneself more appealing, thereby potentially turning platonic friendship into a romantic relationship.

.Mastering Attraction

.SSU Mind Control‘ is particularly aimed at those who have struggled with creating a spark with the opposite sex or have found themselves baffled by the intricacies of female psychology. The program’s techniques are designed with the intent to infuse the user’s interactions with an irresistible charm and attraction that does not waver.

In constructing a man who is consistently desirable, ‘SSU Mind Control‘ meticulously explores the nuances of body language, conversational skills, and the timing of psychological cues. It is this attention to detail that seeks to elevate the user from a mere participant in the dating scene to a master of attraction.

For those new to the world of dating advice and the pickup artist community, ‘SSU Mind Control‘ could be seen as a valuable resource that casts away the shadows of uncertainty, equipping novices with the essentials of attraction. It professes to be a tool that can be refined and calibrated to the unique personality of each individual, offering the promise of personal transformation.

.As for ‘SSU Mind Control‘, it boasts a skill set focused on Attracting Women, making it a remarkable companion for those just beginning their journey (Beginner level) or for anyone looking to refine their approach to dating and attraction. The learning format is designed as an eBook, which offers the convenience of accessibility and the ease of integrating this knowledge into everyday life, ensuring learners can practice and adapt their newfound skills in real time. CR James, the author, and coach behind this program, brings his expertise to the fore with the release of this product by Super Seduction Power on January 01, 2007, promising a transformative experience for men worldwide.

.Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:


  • Test out your woman
  • Make your ‘first date’ memorable
  • How to make female friend addicted
  • How to be more appealing to a platonic friend