Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm

Product Information

Embarking on the journey through the depths of intimacy and pleasure, “Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm” emerges as a beacon of enlightenment for those seeking a path to elevated sexual experiences and deeper connections. Authored by the influential Nicole Daedone, this groundbreaking work invites both men and women to redefine their understanding of feminine satisfaction through the practice of Orgasmic Meditation, or OM.

The essence of “Slow Sex” lies in its revolutionary approach to intimacy—an approach that counters the contemporary rush for immediate gratification. Instead, it beckons readers to decelerate, to immerse themselves in the nuanced sensations that are often overlooked during sexual encounters. By fostering a space where emotional connectivity and conscious touch take center stage, Nicole Daedone gifts her audience a key to unlocking profound orgasmic potential.

As a guide, “Slow Sex” meticulously explains the philosophy that anchors Orgasmic Meditation, offering rich insights into the realms of connection, sensation, and present-moment awareness. Daedone’s expertise in intimacy is conveyed through engaging prose that balances educational instruction with soul-stirring narratives, demystifying and destigmatizing the nuances of the female orgasm.

The practicality of “Slow Sex” is showcased through its well-curated ten-day OM starter program, a step-by-step itinerary for individuals or partners eager to embark on this refining journey. Each day presents a new facet of understanding, gradually building upon previous lessons to weave a comprehensive tapestry of sexual enlightenment.

To ensure that readers from all walks of sexual exploration can benefit, “Slow Sex” integrates exercises that elevate “regular” sex lives, providing actionable suggestions that can be applied outside the structure of OM. These exercises transcend mere physicality; they are conduits for emotional depth, paving the way for ultimate satisfaction, where the union of bodies is also a meeting of hearts and minds.

Delving further into the secrets of Orgasmic Meditation, Nicole Daedone unveils insights permeated with depth and vulnerability. These secrets aren’t mere techniques; they are transformative truths that can restructure the very nature of intimate encounters, leading to peaks of pleasure that resonate beyond the ephemeral.

“Slow Sex” is not just a book; it’s a bridge to a more fulfilling sexual narrative—one that honors and uplifts the female experience. Men are encouraged to explore the chapters dedicated to understanding women’s psychology and physiology, dispelling myths and embracing realities that cultivate a society of informed and respectful lovers.

Similarly, women are granted a compassionate and empowering narrative that encourages self-exploration and the reclaiming of their own sexual agency. Nicole Daedone’s work addresses the often overlooked or misunderstood aspects of masculine and feminine dynamics, providing a symmetrical view that promotes balance and harmony between sexual counterparts.

The synthesis of OM and conventional sexual practices detailed in “Slow Sex” spotlights the compatibility of various erotic expressions. The book proposes a mosaic of pleasure where slow sex and regular sex are not at odds, but rather complementary forces that can enhance the overall intimate landscape.

As we turn to the final strides of this exploration, “Slow Sex” culminates with the promise of the Four-Month Orgasm—a metaphor for the sustained, profound pleasure that awaits those who commit to this meditative approach to sexuality. It serves as both a goal and a testament to the transformative power of sustained, attentive, and conscious sexual connection.

Summing up the product’s specifics: “Slow Sex: The Art and Craft of the Female Orgasm” caters to individuals seeking to develop their Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills. Ideal for Beginners who are ready to embark on a journey into the world of intimate connection, this book is accessible in the format of a Kindle eBook and traditional Book alike. Nicole Daedone’s expertise as both a coach and an author shines through its pages, enriching the reader’s experience since its release date on May 25, 2011.


Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:

– Introduction
– Chapter 1: The Art of Slow Sex
– Chapter 2: The Three Ingredients for Slow Sex
– Chapter 3: How to OM
– Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
– Chapter 5: The Ten-Day OM Starter Program
– Chapter 6: What Men Should Know About Women
– Chapter 7: What Women Should Know About Men
– Chapter 8: Slow Sex, Meet Regular Sex
– Chapter 9: The Four-Month Orgasm