Kamasutra Reloaded

Product Information

Gabrielle Moore’s rewritten version of the Kama Sutra stands as a modern bridge between the ancient world and contemporary techniques in the realm of love and intimacy.

In her work, Moore delves deep into the classical teachings, offering a comprehensive guide that aligns the age-old wisdom of the Kama Sutra with the needs and desires of modern-day individuals seeking to enhance their sexual skills and deepen their sensual experiences.

The art of sexual pleasure, as depicted in this product, is not merely a physical endeavor but a holistic approach towards connecting with one’s partner at a deeper, more profound level. Moore intricately describes the 64 arts and sciences that the Kama Sutra emphasizes, which extend beyond the bedroom, molding an individual into a well-rounded lover capable of providing both physical and emotional satisfaction.

In this retelling, Moore focuses on the various kinds of ‘perfect union’ as described in the original Kama Sutra, thereby acknowledging the diversity in human relationships and sexual preferences.

Her descriptions are tailored to educate the reader on the multitude of ways one can connect with their partner, promoting a healthy and adventurous approach to lovemaking.

Kisses are often considered the initial step toward intimate encounters, and Moore’s product sheds light on the standard types of kisses detailed in the Kama Sutra. She provides illustrative examples and instructions on how to master these techniques, elevating a simple act to an enchanting prelude to deeper intimacy.

The Kama Sutra is known for its exotic connotations, and Moore’s rendition of the guide brings forward the Kama Sutra way to sexy tongue action. She empowers readers with the knowledge and confidence to explore their partner’s senses using one of the most sensitive organs, leaving an intoxicating and memorable impact.

Love bites, a physical manifestation of passion and desire, are also thoroughly explained in this product. Moore discusses the types and implications of love bites, allowing couples to communicate their intimate desires through this ancient technique, giving a primal yet passionate twist to modern lovemaking.

.No discussion on the Kama Sutra would be complete without mentioning sexual positions.

.Moore takes her readers on an exploratory journey of the various types, ensuring that they are comprehensible, achievable, and above all, pleasurable. She guides couples through the process of experimentation with these positions, which serve to maximize pleasure and connection.

To the pickup artist community, this product serves as an essential manual, offering PUAs the opportunity to expand their expertise beyond mere attraction techniques. It enriches their knowledge in an area that is critical to building and maintaining a lasting, mesmerizing sexual rapport with their partners.

.The learning format, delivered as an audio download, makes this rewritten Kama Sutra by Gabrielle Moore accessible and convenient for individuals who prefer auditory learning or are on-the-go. This format allows learners to absorb the intricacies of the guide through listening, merging ancient wisdom into the rhythm of their daily lives.

Gabrielle Moore Inc. is recognized for creating content that empowers individuals to explore their sexuality with confidence and flair. This product, in line with the company’s reputation, is designed to provide a discreet yet comprehensive education into the art of lovemaking, a fundamental aspect for anyone on their journey to mastering masculine sexuality and sexual skills.

For those at the beginner experience level, this reimagined Kama Sutra serves as a gentle yet elaborate introduction to a realm filled with potential for personal growth and improved intimacy. Veterans in the field of sexuality might also find Moore’s nuanced insights rejuvenating and inspiring, with new takes on classical themes.

.The product is the brainchild of Gabrielle Moore, a renowned expert and coach in the field of sexuality and erotica. Moore’s experience and articulate presentation style infuse the ancient text with new life, making it relevant and approachable for modern audiences.

Released on August 7, 2007, this product has stood the test of time, proving its relevance and appeal in a fast-evolving world where the art of making love remains a constant pursuit of knowledge, pleasure, and connection.


Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:

– The art of sexual pleasure
– The 64 arts and sciences that should be mastered to be a good lover
– Different kinds of ‘perfect union’ according to the Kama Sutra
– Standard types of kisses
– The kama sutra way to sexy tongue action
– Types of different love bites
– Types of sexual positions