Christian Men: Where’s My Wife

Product Information

Embarking on the quest for a fulfilling marital life can be a daunting voyage for many Christian single men. “A Christian Guide for Single Men Who Want to Be Married” is an eBook meticulously sculpted to assist men in navigating the complex waters of dating and relationships, but through a faith-based lens. The guide presents a thoughtful journey, balancing spiritual insights and practical advice, making it an indispensable resource for those aspiring to find a partner and lay the foundations for a successful and godly marriage.

The book opens with Luke’s Testimony, a powerful narrative that sets the tone for the deeply personal and transformative advice that follows. In this chapter, readers are drawn into the heartfelt account of one man’s dating endeavors, threaded with divine intention and enlightenment. It’s a relatable story that resonates with many Christian singles experiencing similar journeys, providing both solace and inspiration.

Next, the guide delves into introspection, posing the pivotal question: “Is this book for you?” If you’re a single man wondering about your readiness for marriage or the steps to attracting and keeping a life partner, this segment assists in discerning whether this guide aligns with your current life chapter, preparing your heart and mind for the wisdom it imparts.

How to Talk to Girls!

“How to Talk to Girls!” emerges as a cornerstone topic for any aspiring PUA, but within this book, the approach is abounded by respect, gentleness, and spiritual integrity. Rather than focusing solely on techniques, this chapter advocates for communication grounded in Christian values, ensuring that conversations are not only engaging but also edifying both to you and the women you encounter.

Spiritual Things

“Spiritual Things” underscores the importance of nurturing one’s spiritual life. Not just a trove of dating tips, this chapter emphasizes how a strong relationship with God can illuminate the path to a partner who is equally yoked in faith and purpose. The focus here is not only on attraction and chemistry but also on building a relationship that honors God.

Chasing a Woman

In addressing “Chasing a Woman,” the guide moves away from the chase dynamic often found in secular dating advice. It redefines pursuit in terms of steadfastness, respect, and godly intent, demonstrating that ‘the chase’ can be conducted in a manner that is flattering and respectful, rather than manipulative or overwhelming.

Abusive Women

Conversely, “Abusive Women” is a sobering but crucial chapter, acknowledging that men, too, can be the targets of emotional or physical abuse. This section equips readers with the tools to identify toxic behaviors and seek help, emphasizing self-worth and the courage to uphold healthy boundaries.

Playing Games

One of the most practical sections, “Playing Games,” eschews common dating strategies that are disingenuous, instead promoting transparency and authenticity. It provides insights into navigating relationships without succumbing to the temptation of game-playing, establishing trust and sincerity as pillars of a future marriage.


The “Acknowledgments” segment, often overlooked, offers readers a glimpse into the community and support network that contributed to the book’s creation. These stories and expressions of gratitude reinforce the importance of fellowship in the dating journey.


In “Experienced,” readers benefit from hard-earned wisdom distilled by those who have tread the path before them. It’s a collection of lessons obtained through successes and setbacks, offering mature and biblically-rooted advice to aid men in their dating experiences.

Dating Pearls of Wisdom

“Dating Pearls of Wisdom” is an assembly of concise, potent bits of advice, each an invaluable nugget to guide a man’s conduct and mindset as he seeks a wife. This chapter is filled with actionable insights derived from both scripture and real-life encounters.

15 Biblical Signposts

With “15 Biblical Signposts,” the book provides a scriptural roadmap to compatibility and relational health. Reflecting on these key scriptures aligns the search for a partner with God’s principles, directing focus towards lasting, spiritual bonds.


“Testimonies” brings forth a myriad of stories from men who’ve journeyed through the realm of dating into marriage. Their varied experiences are both enlightening and encouraging, showcasing a tapestry of love stories that affirm God’s active role in uniting couples.

My Mate List

Finally, “My Mate List” encourages readers to envision and enumerate the qualities they seek in a spouse. This exercise is both clarifying and faith-affirming, prompting single men to trust in God’s plan and timing for their future spouse.

The guide is designed for beginners in relationship skills, providing a fundamental understanding of cultivating romantic relationships through a Christian lens. Presented in an eBook format for easy and private consumption, the content was crafted by Bethany K. Scanlon and Lucas H. Scanlon, who blend both female and male perspectives into this rich tapestry of guidance. Since its release on November 14, 2009, it has been aiding Christian singles in their quest for marriage with its comprehensive and divinely inspired advice.

Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:


  • Luke’s Testimony
  • Is this book for you?
  • How to Talk to Girls!
  • Spiritual Things
  • Chasing a Woman
  • Abusive Women
  • Playing Games
  • Acknowledgments
  • Experienced
  • Dating Pearls of Wisdom
  • 15 Biblical Signposts
  • Testimonies
  • My Mate List