Alpha Sexual Power

Product Information

The product in discussion is a comprehensive system that serves as an illustrative roadmap, navigating men from the initial meeting with a woman all the way to achieving sexual intimacy. This system seems to particularly target those within the pickup artist (PUA) community or any man looking to refine his sexual prowess and understanding with women. With a focus on a 5-layer sexual power system, it encompasses essential facets such as Sexual Confidence, Sexual Psychology, Sexual Roadmap, Sexual Communication, and Sexual Performance. Delving into the psychology behind attraction and providing actionable strategies, this system promises to equip men with the necessary tools for sexual success.

The first layer, Sexual Confidence, is designed to help men overcome any self-imposed limitations and the ‘smart guy’ traps that often hinder progress in romantic endeavors. It sheds light on the true nature of how women perceive a man’s sexuality and provides a step-by-step roadmap to help men reach critical milestones in their interactions with women. From identifying one’s own ‘sexual premise’ to understanding the common mistakes men make and how to tap into a woman’s sexual energy, this layer aims to bolster a man’s sexual poise and presence.

Moving forward, the second layer, Sexual Psychology, addresses the psychological components that influence a woman’s behavior. It provides insights into reading a woman’s personality correctly and understanding her from a uniquely intrinsic perspective. This section covers the critical rules for communicating one’s value to a woman and busts the myths surrounding the ‘dark secret of attraction’, improving men’s supernatural influence with women.

Then, the Sexual Roadmap is a hands-on, tactical guide that assists men in elevating their social power and ‘closing the deal’. It details a comprehensive approach from creating the initial desire and attraction to mastering the art of the kiss and the timing of sexual dominance. This part of the system enlightens men on handling the delicate ‘end-game’ of physical intimacy with techniques for everything from first-date sex to debunking one-night stand myths.

In Sexual Communication, the system zeroes in on the nuances that make romantic and sexual dialogues tick. It elucidates why women cherish romantic fantasy and how to stimulate genuine desire through conversation. This piece teaches how to demonstrate sexual dominance and spot personal insecurities that may sabotage the magnetic pull of sexual communication.

Lastly, the Sexual Performance module empowers men with the understanding of how sexual fantasies can be harnessed and how to amplify pleasure for both parties. From touching techniques to guiding a woman to her oral pleasure, this section confronts the realities behind sexual humor, love, and dysfunctions, placing a strong emphasis on reading a woman’s physical cues and verbal communication for a memorable sexual experience.

The wealth of bonuses that come with the system further augment its value. These include resources that delve into various aspects of enhancing sexual attraction such as ‘Alpha Sexual Escalation’, ‘Make Her Horny For You’, and pragmatic aspects like ‘The Art of Dirty Talk’. The diversity of bonuses, from ‘Backdoor Access’ to ‘Get Your First Threesome’, showcases a range of additional expertise areas beyond the core content.

The extensive list includes educational materials in different formats—such as audiobook and MP3 versions—for auditory learners, reference eBooks and mindmaps for visual learners, and a DVD backup to keep as a physical collection. Each bonus, like ‘Explode Your Sexual Mojo’ or ‘Removing Inner Game Blocks’, speaks to a different aspect of sexual and social mastery, ensuring customers have a well-rounded slate of tools at their disposal.

To ensure users can integrate these learnings seamlessly, the system is complemented by special exercises in both Sexual Confidence and Sexual Psychology modules, intended to reinforce the concepts and techniques taught.

Overall, this system appears to be meticulously designed to address every angle of the sexual attraction and performance process, allowing users to cultivate a deep understanding of sexual dynamics.

The product is suitable for those at the beginner level of experience, provided in DVD, eBook, and downloadable video format. Created by Carlos Xuma, a respected figure in the PUA community and the expert behind Dating Dynamics, this system was released on November 9, 2009. The practitioner seeking to enhance his skill set in Inner Game & Confidence would find this resource highly beneficial, offering rich, structured, and expert-backed content to navigate the complex terrain of sexual attraction and intimacy.


Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:

Sexual Confidence

– How to overcome limitations
– How to avoid ‘smart guy’ traps
– The truth about how women view a man’s sexuality
– Roadmap of the milestones you need to get to with women
– How to discover your ‘sexual premise’
– Most mistake men make
– 2 differences in sex drive
– Sexual status
– 2 ‘negative’ traits
– Sexual ‘end game’ trap
– How to tap her sexual energy
– Four causes of ‘female sexual hibernation’
– 9 insecurities of man
– 10 physical sexual attraction triggers
– Sexual confidence
– 5 special exercises

.Sexual Psychology

– Why she acts and reacts
– Supernatural influence with women
– Major factor that you must ‘read’
– How to know a woman’s personality
– Understanding women from the inside out
– Rules to communicate your value
– 2 sexual Keystones
– ‘Dark Secret of Attraction’
– 4 minutes exercises

Sexual Roadmap

– Elevate your social power
– ‘Closing the deal’ with a woman
– Complete sexual roadmap
– Kiss technique
– How to create sexual desire and attraction
– 6-step emotional process
– Timing
– Sexually dominant
– How to handle end-game
– First Date sex
– 3 myths about the one-night stand
– The After-Sex Second-Date Test
– 2 minute exercise
– Four ‘intentions’ in your behavior


Sexual Communication
– How to know when you’re making a mistake
– Why women are so turned on by romantic fantasy
– How to stimulate a woman’s desire
– How to spot your insecurities
– How to keep the chemistry going
– ‘First Date Sex’ plan
– How sexual communication with women works
– 2 minute exercise
– Demonstrate sexual dominance


Sexual Performance
– How sexual fantasies are powerful weapons
– How to get a woman to want for more sex
– Amplify the power of pleasure
– Touch a woman on the back of her neck
– 4 big mistakes
– How humor works
– 2 kinds of humor
– 5 simple formulas of humor
– 6 ways to touch a woman
– Truth about ‘love’
– Sexual dysfunction
– Are you ready for sex?
– How to read a woman’s body
– 6 simple sexual escalation
– 1 verbal technique
– Guide to her oral pleasure