Abolish Approach Anxiety Package
Product Information
For men who find the initial stages of dating and socializing challenging due to approach anxiety, Style’s Abolish Approach Anxiety Package offers a comprehensive and effective solution. Created with insights from Style’s team and Stylelife Academy’s diverse programs, this tailored package is particularly beneficial for those who see the act of approaching, interacting, and dating women as daunting obstacles. This program isn’t just an assortment of random techniques. Instead, it’s a cultivation of Style’s tested methods, designed to eliminate the fear of rejection that many men face.
With a structured curriculum spread across various media, including DVDs and audio files, the Abolish Approach Anxiety Package aims to transform individuals from the inside out. A rich combination of video demonstrations and audio coaching tackles the crippling fear of rejection head-on. Visual learners benefit from the hidden camera footage of Stylelife Academy coaches conducting pickups, unraveling the intricacies of first interactions. At the same time, auditory learners can soak in the profound insights offered in the audio segments.
The first DVD, “Style’s Fundamentals of Approaching and Opening,” is a treasure trove for any budding PUA (Pick Up Artist). It showcases real-time pickups, laying down the foundational elements necessary for a successful approach. The groundbreaking “Cheating Opener” and the 4 OBJECTIVES of PUA openers provide a potent recipe for starting conversations, while the body language secrets revealed can significantly enhance one’s aura of attraction. The nuanced understanding of openers and body language can be game changers for men looking to refine their approach tactics.
The second part of the package addresses the psychological barriers that may deter someone even before the approach. “Style on Limiting Beliefs And Las Vegas” offers guidance on handling inner doubts, restructuring limiting beliefs, and developing a mindset that naturally attracts women. This DVD helps dismantle the nice guy/jerk guy myth and shed light on how personal appearance, lifestyle choices, and goal-setting can eclipse material wealth in the attraction game.
In addition to tactics and belief system restructuring, the third DVD, which features Hypnotica, delves deep into the realm of inner game alongside Style. The segment with Hypnotica stands out as an evolutionary leap in transformational self-improvement. It isn’t just about approaches; it’s about becoming that superior sexy man who naturally exudes confidence. NLP techniques and Hypnotica’s hypnosis pattern provide participants with innovative tools to amplify their desirability and become masters of approach anxiety.
The program’s audio CD, “Style on No Failure Opening,” shifts the focus to the practical application, insisting that the essence of an opener is more crucial than the words themselves. This audio guide alleviates the pressure of perfection in opening scenarios, paving the way for more relaxed, confident, and spontaneous engagements with women. It goes on to clarify common misconceptions that may derail the opening process, facilitating a stress-free, engaging interaction.
The package does not only offer content but also practical support with the inclusion of a 30-day access to Style’s Personal “Dating Master Coaching Program” as a bonus. This additional access ensures that learners can benefit from ongoing guidance, cementing the principles and strategies learned from the DVDs and audio CD. Coupled with the “Abolish Approach Anxiety” E-book, individuals get a comprehensive knowledge base at their fingertips.
Skill Set:
– Meeting Women
Experience Level:
– Beginner
Learning Format:
– DVD (Video)
– CD (Audio)
– eBook
– Online Access
Coach or Expert:
– Style (Neil Strauss)
– Hypnotica
– Stylelife Academy
Release Date:
– June 01, 2012
The package is ideally suited for beginners looking to overcome approach anxiety and is presented in various learning formats such as DVD, CD, eBook, and online access to cater to different learning preferences. The brains behind this transformative program are Style, also known as Neil Strauss, with contributions from Hypnotica, ensuring that participants learn from some of the best in the pickup artist community. Officially released on June 1, 2012, by Stylelife Academy, Style’s Abolish Approach Anxiety Package is a timeless bundle that continues to empower men in the realm of dating and social dynamics.
Table Of Contents/ List Of Topics Covered:
The first DVD, Style’s Fundamentals of Approaching and Opening, contains:
– 3 Stylelife Academy Coaches filmed with hidden cameras while picking up women
– Style’s groundbreaking “Cheating Opener” that is guaranteed to start a conversation with women
– Learn the TRUE 4 OBJECTIVES of PUA openers to maximize your successful opening percentage
– How to avoid one low value move that will blow you out of every set in a club before you ever approach
– Body language secrets used for attracting women all around you, locking in to convey value
– Style’s “Penny, Nicholas, and Dime DHV” for hooking sets and how to run it perfectly
– More secrets of how a PUA approaches a woman for maximum attraction success
The second DVD, Style on Limiting Beliefs And Las Vegas, discusses:
– What Style does when he says the words “I can’t”
– How to reframe your limiting belief into a disqualifier that gets women hitting on you
– Why role playing negative “what if” scenarios in your head will destroy you and what you should do instead
– The nice guy/jerk guy myth debunked.
– How dressing in a tribal way and having a path to achieving your goals, can be more effective than being rich and famous.
– A quote and technique from Style’s natural friend to boost both inner game and outer game
– The system Style uses to overcome limiting beliefs
– 5 reasons why a woman will want to call you after spending 15 minutes with you
– Getting more second dates through the science of “open loops”
– The “Life is short, tomorrow will be gone in a blink of an eye” routine
– How to utilize timelines and benchmarks to achieve your goals
– Working on shortcomings and eliminating sticking points through a realistic view of who you are and what you can achieve
– How to demonstrate value simply by existing
The third DVD in the set, Style and Hypnotica on Inner Game, features Master PUA Hypnotica alongside Style and features:
– Hypnotica walks you through a guided meditation transformation into a superior sexy man
– Why the win-win situation puts you in the right headspace to attract women
– The secret to having positive intentions
– The origin story of Hypnotica, Master PUA
– How understanding that you are a salesman can focus your mind on self-improvement
– Hypnotica’s NLP hypnosis pattern that drops women into a deep sexual trance
– Adopt the sexual teaching frame to lose all sexual inhibitions
– Why beating Approach Anxiety means you can master anything in life
– The essential secrets to owning your sexuality through voice
– The 3 Primary Positions of NLP and how to use them to build confidence
– The secret to destroying your nervous hesitation through command
– How to use words as anchors for your confidence
The audio CD in the set, Style on No Failure Opening, discusses:
– The aspect of opening that is more important than the opener itself
– How to talk to a woman in a different way than everyone else in the bar
– How to be the source of fun when opening a woman
– Why the longer you think, the more you lose
– The difference between questions and obstacles that come up in your head vs. in the field
– What to do if you’re shy and you’re getting started on the evening
– What common mistake immediately marks you as the LEAST cool guys in the room
– The importance of a “safe set”
What You Get:
Style’s “Abolish Approach Anxiety” Core System – 4 DVDs/audio CD
Bonus: 30-day access to Style’s Personal “Dating Master Coaching Program“
Bonus: Abolish Approach Anxiety E-book
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