2 Girls Teach Sex – The Book

Product Information

The eBook in question is a masterful curation of sexual wisdom, encompassing an extensive collection of advice drawn from the acclaimed “2 Girls Teach Sex” series. Targeted towards the masculine audience eager to refine their sexual proficiency, this volume is a treasure trove of knowledge that sheds light on an array of sexual positions and techniques, each meticulously explained and illustrated to ensure readers grasp their essence and practical implementation.

A striking aspect of this eBook is its focus on the critical role that sexual prowess plays in fostering and sustaining attraction within a relationship. As many within the pickup artist (PUA) community can attest, understanding the psychology of attraction is just as important as the physical element itself. To this end, the eBook empowers its readers with insights into why mastering these sexual dimensions is so integral to developing and maintaining a strong, seductive, and satisfying connection with women.

Throughout the eBook’s pages, discussions about sexual positions are not just trivially presented but linked profoundly with the dynamics of attraction and power. Readers will learn about not just the mechanics but the strategic value of these positions in elevating the sexual experience for both partners. The guide meticulously breaks down the strengths and situational benefits of each position, allowing men to navigate the sexual landscape with the confidence and capability of a virtuoso.

Furthermore, in examining sexual techniques, the eBook leaves no stone unturned. With an educational drive that echoes the structure and depth of the original “2 Girls Teach Sex” DVDs, it delves into nuanced skills that can significantly amplify pleasure. The techniques are conveyed in a manner that emphasizes their psychological impact, aligning them with the principles well-known to the PUA community, such as escalation, calibration, and leading.

Accessible to Various Stages

What makes this eBook particularly unique is its accessibility to men at various stages of their sexual journey. Both beginners and intermediates will find the content enlightening, with complex topics broken down into comprehensible nuggets of wisdom. The narrative gently guides less experienced readers through basic principles, while intermediates can refine and enhance their existing skill set, ensuring the eBook’s utility across a spectrum of experience.

Fostering Sexual Self-Confidence

A noteworthy feature of this eBook is the attention to fostering sexual self-confidence. In the context of the PUA community, inner game—the confidence and self-assuredness one brings into social interactions—is a pivot. The techniques and knowledge outlined in the eBook contribute directly to strengthening this aspect of a man’s sexual persona, enhancing his allure in the eyes of prospective partners.

The educational potential of the eBook extends beyond sheer technique, offering a philosophical perspective on the importance of sexual fulfillment as a facet of comprehensive attraction. It posits the idea that a man’s ability to navigate the domain of physical intimacy is intrinsically linked to his broader appeal in the dating realm—a concept frequently underscored in dating advice columns and PUA resources.

Drawn from the wisdom of the “2 Girls Teach Sex” series, the eBook also respects the female perspective, providing insights into what women appreciate and desire in the bedroom. This understanding deepens the levels of connection a man can achieve, aligning sexual expertise with the broader objectives of empathy, attunement, and mutual satisfaction within the PUA framework and beyond.

Another crucial aspect explored within the eBook’s chapters is the art of communication—verbal and non-verbal—in the lead-up and during intimate encounters. The guide places a clear emphasis on the importance of feedback loops, ensuring that both partners are entirely immersed in the experience, resonating with the teachings advocated by dating coaches and experts in the PUA scene.

Beyond providing a mere catalog of positions and techniques, this eBook aims to inspire readers to adopt a holistic approach to their sexual lives, integrating the physical with the emotional and the psychological. It prompts readers to view sexual capability not just as an isolated skill but as a facet of their overall persona that reflects on their prowess as a lover, and their magnetism as a man.

For those eager to translate the knowledge garnered from this eBook into practice, the guide presents actionable steps and exercises. These practical components encourage men to refine their skills in real-world scenarios, fortifying the bridge between theoretical knowledge and tangible expertise.

The eBook complements existing dating tips and techniques advocated by the PUA community with a specialized focus on the bedroom. It provides substantial value by augmenting general attraction and seduction strategies with advanced insights into the sexual dynamics that play out beneath the sheets.

In conclusion, the eBook encapsulates much more than just sexual tips—it provides a comprehensive blueprint for men who aspire to transform themselves into more skilled, empathetic, and confident lovers.

Regarding the metadata of the product:


– Skill Set: Masculine Sexuality & Sexual Skills
– Experience Level: Beginner to Intermediate
– Learning Format: eBook
– Coach or Expert: Bobby Bradshaw
– Release Date: October 1, 2012

This resource has been thoughtfully authored by Bobby Bradshaw of the company “2 Girls Teach Sex” to supplement the DVD products from the same brand. With its rich content and structured approach to sexual education, it is an indispensable guide for those starting their journey and those looking to deepen their understanding.